A Message from Rev. T.J. Parlette

The Session met on Tuesday October 13 and had a lengthy discussion about worship and building use for the coming months. The Session decided

1. To continue virtual worship through the remainder of 2020. We will revisit our situation in December and see what may or may not be possible. It is difficult to think about what our "Holy Days" will be like when we can't be together as we usually are. As disappointing as this is, given the fact that our local numbers are getting steadily higher and we're entering the traditional flu season as well, it seemed to the majority of the Session that this was the best and safest course of action. The Good News is that planning has begun for how we might preserve the sense of awe and wonder that we crave this time of year. We plan to offer some opportunities for you to come and be taped lighting the Advent candles, participating in Lessons and Carols, taking part in a virtual pageant and even a virtual Christmas Eve candle-lighting ceremony with "Silent Night" included (it wouldn't be Christmas without that!) So we'll keep you informed and we will do our best to praise God and give thanks for Christ's birth in the best way we can!

2. To increase our indoor limit for groups meeting in the church to 15 instead of 10. I would remind everyone that we are only hosting groups in the Social Hall, the Sanctuary, and the Multi-purpose room. Our other rooms are just too small and the ventilation is not adequate for face to face interaction. It is important to remember that if you are meeting indoors, the longer you are with other people, the more risk you take of being exposed to the virus, so we are encouraging groups to limit their meeting to an hour. All other expectations - wearing a mask, social distancing, sanitizing hands and wiping down the areas when you are done - remain in place.

I hope everyone can understand that we are trying to mitigate the risk as much as we can while still offering some opportunity for interaction. As your pastor, my worst nightmare is that we will wake up one day to discover that some gathering at First Presbyterian Church in Rochester, MN, was a super-spreader for a wider outbreak.

Stay safe, be well, and I pray that you flourish!

Peace, TJ