About Worship at FPC

Sunday, the day of Christ’s Resurrection, the First Day of the Week is The Lord’s Day when we gather to worship God: Creator, Christ, and Holy Spirit. Generally, worship at FPC typically consists of four “movements”: 

1. Gathering

A musical Prelude gathers us into God’s presence. The pastor then shares a greeting and announcements, then a prayer for God’s presence.  An opening hymn celebrates God’s creation and the joy of worship. We are then invited to seek reconciliation with God through silent and unison confession after which life-affirming words are shared announcing the forgiveness and the peace of Jesus Christ.

2. Word

This movement essentially begins with a Time for Our Young Worshipers—an informal message about God’s love in Jesus Christ, intended for any children in attendance who are invited to come forward. A prayer is offered, spoken or sung, inviting the Holy Spirit to teach us through the Scriptures. The first Scripture is then read, followed by an anthem to enhance and nurture reflection. A second Scripture is read followed by the sermon. This section concludes with brief silence for reflection followed by a hymn.

3. Response

Our response to the Word proclaimed includes a unison Affirmation of Faith, often the Apostles’ Creed but it may come from any statements appearing in the PC(USA)’s The Book of Confessions. Prayers of the People are then offered, concluding with The Lord’s Prayer in unison. An Invitation to the Offering for the continuing work of the church is accompanied by a musical offertory. The Offering is brought forth with Doxology—a chorus or stanza from a hymn of praise followed by a Unison Prayer of Dedication.

4. Sending

This final movement is a time of blessing, through the singing of a hymn and a biblical benediction (literally a “good word”) to send us on our way from worship to love and serve the Lord Jesus Christ in creation. The Postlude is a final musical offering to glorify God and bless God’s people on their way.


The Presbyterian tradition celebrates two Sacraments: Baptism and the Lord’s Supper based on two criteria: one, Jesus himself participated in it and, two, Jesus commanded that we do also.

In Baptism God's "invisible" Spirit is made visible through the sign of water. When the water of baptism is poured out upon the baptized, it’s akin to the Holy Spirit coming upon them as promised by our Lord. Baptism seals God’s promise that because of Jesus Christ, nothing can separate us from God's love. Baptism is celebrated during worship because we are baptized into a faith community and because Jesus was himself baptized in public.

On the first Sunday of each month, we celebrate the Sacrament of the Lord’s Supper. This may also be called Communion or Eucharist. We remember how, on the night before his death, Jesus celebrated the Passover with his disciples. During the meal, Jesus took bread, blessed it and gave it to them, saying, this bread is my body, broken for you. Do this in remembrance of me. Then Jesus took the cup and said this cup is the New Covenant sealed in my blood, poured out for the forgiveness of sin. This do also, every time you drink of it, in remembrance of me. Sacraments are God’s gift to God’s people, to nourish faith and to deepen our connection with God, with Jesus Christ and with one another.