Vocal Music - Ensembles and Classes
Joyful Noise, Inc.! (age 2 or 3-Pre-K)
meets on Sunday mornings from 9:40-10:00 am, as a prelude to Sunday School class.
Children gather to make joyful noise, move their bodies, play a variety of fun rhythm and other instruments, and to learn worthwhile simple Christian or Bible songs all while enjoying some structured play time. We’ll keep the pace flowing quickly. We want to help children foster loving connections between music, church, tradition, and the associated beauty we know and love. We hope to help them develop a sense of belonging and purpose as they grow in the Christian faith.
Reach out to Sarah Stender for more information at: musicassoc@fpcrochester.org
Cherub Choir (age 4, ready for more structure, - 1st grade)
meets weekly for 25 min on Sunday mornings as a part of the education hour 9:0-9:25am.
Young singers are exposed to simple choral music learning by rote instruction - learning hymn tunes, descants, and easy anthems. Join us to practice using our ears and voices, matching pitch and copying and creating rhythms with movements and sometimes using instruments.
Cherub Choir participates in worship services 4-5 times per year - often combining with other groups.
Cherub Choir friends learn about musical symbols and sing a refrain from a paraphrase on Psalm 27 during a Sunday morning rehearsal.
Calvin & Youth Choir (2nd grade and up)
meets weekly on Wednesday evenings from 4:45-5:30 pm with a provided meal for students AND their families from 5:45 - 6:15pm.
We will seek to “sing with the Spirit and with understanding also.” (1 Corinthians 14:15)
Calvin Choir singers are exposed to sacred choral music by learning to read musical notation and text. They will learn to sing hymn tunes, descants, and simple anthems. This group also practices training our ears in matching pitch and developing good breathing and vocal techniques that are appropriate for our age and skill. They will also learn about ringing handbells and will utilize hand chimes as a part of our musical projects to practice skills and make music using instruments.
We will also focus on what it means to be leaders in worship and how humbly accepting that privilege applies to our roles as leaders and community members in every part of our lives.
Calvin Choir participates in worship services 6-7 times per year - often combining with other groups. Older youth will participate in worship more often, sometimes sing or play alone, serve as senior role models, and will often participate in mutual ways alongside the adult ensembles.
Chancel Choir (10th grade through Adults)
Chancel Choir rehearses twice, weekly: Thursdays from 7-8:30PM, and Sundays from 9:30-10:00am.
The adult choir primarily leads worship at the 11AM service, and occasionally sings at each of our 2 worship services for various Festival Sundays.
Each midweek rehearsal will seek to cover music 5-7 weeks in advance, on average, and will include time for devotion.
This ensemble also participates in many outreach and other fellowship opportunities and socializes joyfully whenever they can. It’s a very encouraging and inviting group - join us!
Reach out to John Stender for more information at: stender.john@fpcrochester.org