
The ministry of First Presbyterian Church’s Deacons exists to show and share God's love with others.  Deacons correspond with our youth, contact hospitalized members after they return home, host funeral receptions, send grief-support booklets to the bereaved, organize greeters for Sunday mornings, prepare the elements and the table for the Sacrament of Communion, reach out to families to recognize and celebrate births and baptisms, and visit church members, including our seniors and home-bound members.  Deacon ministry also funds taxi transportation vouchers to attend worship services and other church events, and parking passes at Mayo Clinic for patients and their families. These are just a few of the many ways First Presbyterian Church's Deacons show God’s love in person to the members and guests of our faith community. This ministry is funded by the Christmas Eve offering.  Deacons serve three-year terms in three staggered classes. Here’s the current group:

Class of 2022  Class of 2023 Class of 2024

Judy Felten Sally Brooks Than Boutelle

Jane Hallman Janet Hosier Sarah Edgerton

LaVonne Jacobson Ginger Kirby Cheryl Hann

Casey Lenn Ruth Saling Beverly Lewis

Jane Murl Beverly Salomonsen Robert Litwiller

Judy Smithson Margie Schaaf Leslie Litwiller

Tony Smithson Shelley Steger Juliet Parlette

Deacon Leadership (2022)

Shelley Steger, chair (Margie Schaaf, acting chair January & February 2022)

Jane Hallman, secretary

Jan Hosier, treasurer

Juliet Parlette, C.A.R.E. Touch Ministry Coordinator

Ginger Kirby Chancel Flower Distribution Coordinator

Margie Schaaf, Ruth Saling Communion Guild (prep) & Communion Server Coordinator

Judy Smithson, Tony Smithson, Flowers & Cards Ministry

Shelley Steger, Sally Brooks, Funeral Receptions Ministry Coordinator

Casey Lenn, Sunday Greeter Ministry Coordinator

Jane Murl, Judy Smithson, Tony Smithson, Special Visit & Follow-up Ministry Coordinator

Judy Felten, Jan Hosier, New Parents & Baptism

Bev Salomonsen, Deacon Representative-Nomination Committee

Tony Smithson, Transportation

Ariel Boswell, Parish Nurse Ministry

“We appreciate T.J. and Jay and their solid leadership as shepherds of our congregation and as our teaching elders.”
Congregation member