Summer Worship Update

Hello, All
Our session had a zoom meeting on Wednesday May 27th to review a plan to re-open our church safely. After lengthy discussion, session decided unanimously that although we have a comprehensive plan for how we could sanitize and keep our social distance, we feel that there are too many risks for us as a congregation to resume in-person worship experiences, even at 25% capacity. Many of our members are in one or more vulnerable categories, and we don't want to put anyone at risk.

We have decided to hold only online worship services through the month of August. The Session will meet and reassess the situation in August to determine what we could do for September and beyond. The office continues to remain available on Mondays and Thursdays by calling the number posted on the Atrium doors.  Although this is the right decision, we are all saddened that we can't go back to normal just yet. Your church staff is exploring some additional options for gathering such as holding "drive-in" church on occasion this summer. I'll let you know details as we work things out.

I also want to comment on our Presbytery's recommendations. Many of you saw the guidance offered from our Presbytery last week that mentioned that all Presbytery events are cancelled through the end of the year. This does not apply to local church events. The Presbytery was addressing their own events such as the Presbytery meetings that are held every other month throughout the year. The decision to re-open and hold in-person worship services at a local church is completely up to local congregations. The Presbytery does strongly recommend that congregations refrain from holding in-person events right now, but that is a recommendation, not a command. 

If anyone would be willing to learn at least some of what Carol does, we are still looking for a  volunteer treasurer. We are also looking for an Office Manager to take over for Sue upon her retirement. We are also looking for someone with an interest in video production to take over for Jake Wright when he has to get back to his teaching duties in August. If you have an interest in any of these possibilities, get in touch with me and I would be happy to work with you.

Peace and Blessings to you all!


How do I check out a book from the church library

Locate the book’s check-out card in the pocket at the back of the book. Print your name and phone number and the date of check-out.

Please put the completed card(s) into the small gray recipe-card box on the book cart in the atrium, in the library the box is located beside the door adjacent to the church office. (instructions are on the top of each box).

The due-date is four weeks after check out. If you have any questions, please contact Jay Rowland or Al Dollerschell.